Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gluten Free Thanksgiving

Is anyone making a pie for Thanksgiving?  Try these GF pie crusts.

1. Gluten Free Pantry Pie Crust mix-  taste is good but kind of  a sandy texture
2. Breads by Anna Pie Crust mix- tastes better than any gluten filled pie crust- tastes like a homemade crust
3.  Pamela's pancake and baking mix-  the recipe for pie crust can be found on Pamela's website
You can make your own but it can be costly to buy all the ingredients needed. So you might as well buy one that is pre-mixed.

3 Foods that are always GF. Turkey and mashed potatoes (real not potato flakes) and cranberry sauce (homemade) If you are looking for a GF cranberry sauce in a can try Ocean Spray.  According to my Gluten Free grocery guide it is GF

****A great hint my mom gave me that adds some nutrition to mashed potatoes is to add cooked cauliflower.  Cook the cauliflower till it is soft then beat it into the mashed potatoes.  No one will ever know:)

Look for pictures of my  GF Thanksgiving in my next blog!